Made a Twitter summary with comments here: [MEDIA] 1) The RECOVER study...
What the paper doesn't really discuss is that the rate of ME/CFS in the acute-infected - 73 of 4,515 (1.6%) - was much lower than in the...
I think the main reasons are: 1) Many ME/CFS patients are not diagnosed yet. Other have received other diagnoses such as chronic Lyme, POTS,...
Ok thanks, that's useful to know.
I would argue that the causal path is valuable for researchers, and an indication of what treatment to use is useful for doctors, but for patients...
Thanks a lot @forestglip and @Nightsong Will send a message to the authors asking for a clarification. Let's hope it just some minor error that...
Trying to understand where they extracted the data from. The paper refers to reference 8, a meta-analysis by Howard et al. 2019 of the three...
This seems like quite an important study. Hopefully, it will get some more discussion and analysis. @Jonathan Edwards @Simon M @Chris Ponting...
Important update from the European ME Coalition: The results of the Horizon Europe call on high-burden, under-researched conditions have been...
Yes, hard to see how misdiagnosis would bias the results towards no association, I would expect rather the opposite. It also seems that the...
I suspect it refers to lifetime diagnosis, not prevalence. EDIT: the study it refers to writes: The Epidemiology of Major Depressive Disorder:...
Thanks for sharing. Doesn't seem to be much consideration that all three interventions may be losers rather than winners.
Thanks, had a look at and it mostly argues that because common and specific effects are correlated, it is incorrect to say how much % of the...
Anyone know recent publications on this: does the conclusion still hold? Most papers discussing seem to be more than 10 years old. I found this...
There's also a commentary on this paper by Ioannidis but is mostly shows that he doesn't get the basic things right:...
Thanks Trish and the S4ME Committee, much appreciated. We will think about it some more and take our time to decide. Perhaps do a poll with the 4...
I'm not quite sure how your system works but regarding cherry picking it depends on how many findings it predicts, for example if there are...
Thanks for all the useful comments and suggestions! Very much appreciate all your help. We still prefer a short and neutral name such as ME/CFS...
Thanks for writing this. I hope the problems with the ME Association will get sorted.
We've written a blog post highlighting the most interesting ME/CFS studies of 2024:...
Separate names with a comma.