what is the classic (medical) method to have this osmose stress measured ? (so, for ppl without nano needle) @Jonathan Edwards walking at...
most interesting may be indeed the "psychology" behind this odd publication. surely, they wouldnt do anything that sheds a bad light on "stanford".
@B_V you have ptosis on the RIGHT eye and inflammation only in one leg, the LEFT tigh ? so, only the first (stanford) left leg biopsy showed...
where is the signal for MDD major depression disorder ? compare it with mecfs.
ok, they will have checked if ppl with e.g. less blood cell deformability dont have the same signal. (more diseases show less deformability faik)...
they must be sure that this impedence problem is different with autism, MS, fibromyalgia (...) ? they cant have just controlled with healthy people ?
it doesnt have to do with the sodium inhibitor pump, did they mean to hint that in the paper ?
i understand, pwmecfs PBMC perform badly under (hyper)osmotic stress
Actinobacterium Eggerthella enzyme strain CGR2 A. Eggerthella strain cgr2 from the gut deactivates Quabain. Eggerthella cgr2 may have benefits...
Oral fluoroquinolones and risk of fibromyalgia ... not found Received 22 March 2018; Revised 26 August 2018; Accepted 8 September 2018...
@MaximilianKohler perhaps you can look into that ? Actinobacterium Eggerthella enzyme strain CGR2 only 40% of the population may have this...
Nano-Gold and Silver work - since they ride on Exosomes ? Exosomes guard the Crime Scene ..but why do they leave after 96h ? [SPOILER]
the women disappeared ?
we may produce endogenous Ouabain in the Hypothalamus if this is caused by such a process of endogenous production, then an antagonist could be...
sorry for the mess, all quotes no link: Exosomes — packed with RNA, DNA, and proteins microRNAs — short stretches of RNA — Removing a specific...
it may be because i have no research/medical understanding... i cant believe, its not known what it is. actually, i feel arsed when i understand...
would this fluge/mella "oxygen/lactate issue" be shown in the usual lactate blood test after exercise (taking a drop of blood from the finger tip)...
fluge & co said (i think): increased oxygene consumption AND increased lactate production is it known if in the healthy blood "infection" the...
these "tests" dont seem overly complicated to me. the implications of the signalling seem important. so much is going "wrong".
what symptoms may the signal-normalization fix in mecfs ? muscles ? brain fog ? also, would be interesting to know if the MS patients have a...
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