I haven't been able to read the whole thread so this may already have been posted. CDC's Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face...
Hi! The past few days I've received some meetup notices about young, healthy people cause of the coronavirus forming meetup groups of volunteers...
I have a 23 and Me kit in my room for years. Hesitant to use it cause of privacy issues. Was wondering are there tests that a doctor's office...
Highlighting and paragraph breaks mine.
If in a tent not sure it might help if you had a cot so your bedding wouldn't be on the cold ground. And do the other suggestions others have.
Not sure about the BLM land and if this is the same as a lady I met her boyfriend and apparently a lot of other people lived in trailers in the...
@debored13 I'm so sorry you're in this position. I know it can get that bad for people with environmental sensitivities or mcas that they are...
Ouuuu this is good! Is this something I can read or listen to now that it's past? If so where? (Sorry to ask and not look, my searching...
Neither works for me. A message comes up in Russian: для просмотра статьи разгадайте капчу. Google translated: solve the captcha to view the...
Canaries in the coalmine: Why Marcus Sedgwick is writing about Chronic Fatigue and illnesses we all need to understand better Oh not again (CF...
Thank you @ahimsa and anyone/everyone else that wrote. And thank you author and producer. They fixed it! :thumbup: Thousands of Studies Begin...
Thousands of Studies Begin to Paint New Picture of Chronic Fatigue The article is about chronic fatigue syndrome. I wish the title added...
And this. :thumbup: (Not only for MCS.) Excuse the extra circles. I can't get rid of them. Bolding mine.
If this doesn't belong here (straying off topic?), please delete. Thank you. I was wondering about benign. I saw a doctor recently and they...
Thank you @Snowdrop! :) I completely forgot about Bill Bryson. He was someone I wanted to read his writing someday. Just ordered some with the...
Hi, guys. I was looking forward to 47 hours of an audio book, I received one of Proust's books yet the reader's inflections made it too hard to...
Hi, @Mij. I'm experiencing all these tooo (except the rem). Do they/you know why or what it is? Sorry I can't remember all the posts or look...
Unfortunately I'm not surprised. Definitely appallled.
Hi! This has been around for awhile yet I forgot about it til recently when I was looking for something simpler to send someone who kept...
Hi, guys. I'm too foggy to read through this and only glanced at the article. Was wondering is this a good study to share with a primary care...
Separate names with a comma.