Private Eye magazine is seeking nominations for investigative journalism. Think David Tuller is well worth nominating for this. Sadly just...
It’s called ‘owning the room’. They are experts & deploy all the armoury in their professional skill set. I would love to see them questioned...
I do think their media strategy while successful is misplaced: because of the underlying flaws with their ‘message’ ie poor underlying research....
Perhaps would be good for S4ME to put out this kind of statement: idea originated & drafted here.
That came from out of my head. Can’t say it’s never been said before in human history, but seemed pithy and apt.
I think that joining, resourcing & suporting charities & volunteers is the step that we need to take. There is no shortage of good ideas &...
Fortunately was placed literally at the fag-end of the show. Previously eg for SMILE Trial, put it in a prime time slot between 8 and 8.30am...
He was the Editor for the day and tried to shoehorn the piece into a day themed around scientific rationalism and liberal humanism, so ‘framing’...
Time to call in Special Agent Dale Cooper for some darn fine cherry pie Edited to...
Time to share Hilda Bastian article loads? With #MEcfs so it appears in searches. [MEDIA]
Been reported & sorted.
Latest Annual Report & Accounts:
Some info about AfME at Charity Commission here:®id=1036419
Radio 4 Today coverage possibly at 8.45am: [MEDIA] Just made the 7am Radio 4 News headlines. Being reported by Catherine Burns: health...
Guardian coverage now up:...
Could this possibly be the beginning of a phased climb down?
Merged thread Tom Feilden just posted: [MEDIA]
Yes - confusing: have edited the thread title to make clear it relates to individual patient data.
It looks to me like this has actually happened- not sure if I can quite believe it. Link:...
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