Jarred Younger: "The Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) has started a clinical trial of low dose naltrexone (LDN) and pyridostigmine bromide (PB) for...
(Not ME) A Swedish article on functional neurological disorder, FND. Not a recommendation. Skidtalangen Ebba kunde inte gå ordentligt – nu har...
Kommentar och svar om postcovid https://www.svd.se/a/EyRg3o/kommentar-och-svar-om-postcovid
RME Stockholm's comments ahead of next week's meeting: HSFs yttrande i patientnämndens principärende...
Stockholm's Health and medical services board will have a meeting on 24 September 2024, where they (among other things) will be making a decision...
Press release about a new Swedish non-fiction book about recovering from ME. (Sharing for informational purposes only, as I haven't read it...
Goddag yxskaft! Another non sequitur from the National Board of Health and Welfare :grumpy: He's clearly not listening. ”Kunskapsstödet kan inte...
Short news segment (1 min, audio, in Swedish). Ny studie ska hjälpa ME-patienter – vill stävja hjärndimma...
"034 - My list of potential treatments to test If you were curious about the compounds I plan to test for ME/CFS, FM, GWI, and Long-COVID, here...
Skrivelse – SCF:s synpunkter på Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd...
Another great opinion piece by the Swedish Covid Association, thank you! :thumbsup: Socialstyrelsen ger farliga råd om postcovid...
Finland: Kaikki sairaudet eivät ole samalla viivalla sairausetuuksia jaettaessa https://www.satakunnankansa.fi/kolumnit/art-2000010690703.html
Paywalled BPS opinion piece today, in one of Sweden's largest newspapers. Hanne Kjöller: Äntligen nyktrar vården till om postcovid...
I'm very much looking forward to this! Can't wait! :emoji_boom::emoji_boom::emoji_boom: Everything @MittEremltage publishes is always definitely...
A podcast episode (in Swedish) by the podcast Rakt in i Väggen ("Straight into the wall"), about stress-related mental health issues. Sharing only...
An opinion piece today by the Swedish Covid Association and the Swedish Association of Physiotherapists. Thank you! :thumbsup: ”Socialstyrelsens...
"The annual Stanford ME/CFS Working Group meeting concluded last week. In this meeting, researchers were able to share their preliminary results...
Jarred Younger: 033 - Updates from the 2024 Stanford ME/CFS Working Group "The annual Stanford ME/CFS Working Group meeting concluded last week....
”Allvarliga brister i nytt kunskapsstöd om ME” https://www.dagensmedicin.se/opinion/debatt/allvarliga-brister-i-nytt-kunskapsstod-om-me/
RME: Konferens 2024 https://rme.nu/aktivitet/konferens-2024/ Date: 9 October 2024 Registration deadline: 5 October 2024
Separate names with a comma.