Uppdrag till Socialstyrelsen att kartlägga och analysera behandlingen av barn med post-covid...
Uppdrag att ta fram kunskapsöversikter om postcovid...
In August 2024 the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden (Socialstyrelsen), published national guidelines for post covid, post influenza,...
Marie, 49, blev sjuk i covid 2021 – är inte frisk än https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/VzXbbp/marie-ewerz-blev-sjuk-i-covid-2021-ar-inte-frisk-an
I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you to find information and help. I'd encourage you to keep looking though, because dysautonomia peer support...
Opinion piece: ”Sverige är inte redo för nästa viruspandemi” https://www.dn.se/debatt/sverige-ar-inte-redo-for-nasta-viruspandemi/
21-åriga Victorias kamp mot postcovid – fem år efter första svenska coronafallet...
Article in a local newspaper about a severely ill pwME, and about her not getting the help she needs at home, not even with food or basic hygiene....
Opinion piece by the Swedish Covid Association in a newspaper, about their complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen against the National Board of...
Please support this initiative proposed by European Union citizens: Ban on conversion practices in the European Union Read more and sign the...
FDA purges material on clinical trial diversity from its site, showing stakes of Trump DEI ban The scrubbing could affect the ways researchers and...
Paywalled article in one of Sweden's largest newspapers. Forskare: ”ME och postcovid samma sak”...
(Not a recommendation, obviously. I'm sharing only for informational purposes.) TACTIC is a study aiming to develop a cost-effective...
I ticked "Other changes is sleep" for complete day-night sleep reversal. For milder pem it can sometimes be more of a delayed sleep–wake phase....
AIM ImmunoTech Highlights New Article Finding Links Between COVID-19 and ME/CFS...
Yes, it has been the case for a long time :( He has been involved in ME research and clinical care for a long time too :grumpy:
Do also check out @MittEremltage's blog, who is digging into this and trying to connect the dots. Något är fishy...
Trötthetsstudien https://www.akademisktprimarvardscentrum.se/Forskning-innovation/Forskningsstudie-Ihallande-Trotthet/
Separate names with a comma.