Article in a local news paper this morning. This is the reality for so many of us. The government seems to believe they will be able to force us...
I had a quick look through her X/Twitter posts just now, and I did a Google search too. I didn't find any recent mentions of long covid.
If I'm not misremembering, maybe I misread my own old posts? PEM right now, will have a better look later. Here's one where Johansson references...
No, they don't. They have previously written opinion pieces together with Vogt, for example, about how to manage long covid. (There are links if...
Socialstyrelsen/The National Board of Health and Welfare replies today: DN Debatt Repliker. ”Osaklig kritik mot Socialstyrelsens nya levnadsråd”...
There was an opinion piece on this by BPS proponents David Gyll and Minna Johansson (of Cochrane Sweden, she has been suffering from long covid, I...
Opinion piece written by the chairperson of RME (the Swedish ME Association). Sveriges usla ME-vård bidrar till att patienter begår självmord...
Forskare: Vila inte alltid bästa medicinen mot utmattningssyndrom...
Meta changed its Community Guidelines today to permit "allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation,...
(Not about ME.) A Swedish opinion piece on Rituximab and ethical questions regarding treatment studies on people living with schizophrenia. ”Vår...
Job ad: Gör skillnad – arbeta med helt nytt postcovidprojekt
A Swedish opinion piece on this: Debatt: FN kan beskriva problemet – men inte formulera lösningen...
"The Disability and Development Report 2024, “Accelerating the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with persons with...
"047 - Intranasal antihistamines may prevent Long-COVID Here is the link to the open-access paper. You should be able to access it by clicking on...
Just to clarify, I don't have POTS.
Just to clarify, only glucose doesn't have the same effect at all. There really is something about the combination of glucose and salts and...
Actually, as I've mentioned several times in other similar threads before, for some of us the glucose makes all the difference. For me, the only...
Läkartidningen: Covidföreningen startar nytt projekt för att stötta unga med postcovid...
On Swedish morning TV (9 minutes, available to watch online through the link below): Artistens tuffa tid efter sjukdomen: ”Visste inte om jag...
Good news, for a change :):thumbsup: Press release: Svenska Covidföreningen beviljas stöd till patienter med postcovid...
Separate names with a comma.