I think this is an important discussion, thank you for opening this thread @Trish. I think one has to approach this topic with more ingenuity than...
If I'm reading the snippets correctly it seems that they did some in vitro experiments with fibroblasts of a ME/CFS patient with elevated WASF3...
I interpreted the point of the article to be that ME/CFS should be identified with the condition that is now described in things such as the...
Great piece. Something that also stood out to me was the comparison to endometriosis, simply because this was a comparison I hadn't heard of yet...
Does anybody know why the Acupuncture & Tuina School of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine would have interest in this subject, is...
And a large majority of professional athletes continue doing sports whilst ill, for example with Covid-19. Perhaps there is a relationship, but if...
Both sound like a good idea to me. Some form of infographics that can easily be shared seems very sensible as well.
It's unfortunate that you feel like your blogs don't initiate quite that much discussion in the online ME/CFS community. I think of them very...
I think many can reasonably argue that a "general take a survey and see results" study can only meaningfully exist if it doesn't suffer from...
Thank you for this piece and for spending time to listening to patients for many years. I agree. I wonder whether "neurocognitive deficits" or...
Which probably just shows how meaningless such studies are...
Only glimpsing at the study it looks like they measured a lot of different things, didn't correct for multiplicities and then reported the...
Yes that is my understanding as well. A high temperature, lymph swellings etc are all the main characteristics of glandular fever, but they are...
I'm wandering whether this might not be somewhat trigger specific rather than something to do with signals in regards of ME/CFS. Avi Nath has...
I was assuming that only people that believe to know that they've had a specific trigger (an infection, an accident etc) would be answering the...
For Long-Covid there was a study on this subject early on the pandemic: Characterizing long COVID in an international cohort: 7 months of...
Thanks for explaining. I was indeed thinking about something more bell shaped, but I suppose not knowing anything about clinical trials might make...
Would the current non-existence of a biological endpoint that could be meaningful in ME/CFS not present a problem? You might track IgG levels but...
I'm not sure about any of the things I've said. This was just how I've read the room, which might be very incorrect. Regarding less toxic drugs...
Are we sure about that? I thought the problem always had to do with the feasibility of a cyclo trial. From what I've understood you cannot...
Separate names with a comma.