I think by definition, mastocytosis cannot be MCAS. I was under the impression it's supposed entail everything that cannot be mastocytosis but...
That would be unfortunate, because according to this study it means you must have drowned by now.
To be fair, in the interview mentioned above by @Murph (thanks for sharing), they do explain they will first study ME/CFS cells using...
One can only hope that the people responsible for the recent breakthroughs in Raynauds will be able to have the same success with DecodeME.
Yes and i seem to remember different reported improvement rates at different hospitals during RTX (which would also rather suggest that it isn't...
Thanks for sharing. So this is a badly (automated) transcript of what Rekeland says: My understanding is not that she's suggesting that this was...
I don't know either. Certainly some people seem to be seeing or perhaps more so wanting to be seeing a consistent shift. My inability to see one...
Yes, according to Garner one could say that she might be considered an effort-preference world champion. But I think even he will come to the...
Is there such a consistent shift? My understanding of Scheibenbogen and others work is that nobody can demonstrate a consistent shift and in fact...
Thanks for all the work you and others are putting into this @Trish ! Whilst Oonagh Cousins can claim the title of anti-recovery-activist, after...
It's interesting that they managed to recruit 193 cases despite having fairly many with recent acute onsets of under 3 years. Given the problems...
And that's a massive problems with the current "specialist clinics" for ME/CFS. Many of them can't or won't even order a simple blood test . A...
Appears that there is also no short term positive effects with saline infusions, even though some doctors like to prescibe those for things like POTS?
I think there has been a paper or two reflecting diagnosis numbers in certain areas and the prevalence was much higher in certain areas than...
Whilst it seems in the case of ME/CFS, the wrong thing is being measured, I would be wary of already being sure that CBF is the right thing. The...
So IgG,IgM (EBNA, VCA etc) are all negative, or you've had a past infection but no indication of anything more recent (as in most people with ME/CFS)?
Enough to skip reading the paper? Probably!
It seems the active stand test came first, but as far as I know neither of the tests appear to have too much clinical relevance in the context of...
Abolish the Tilt Table Test for the Workup of Syncope! Testing in medicine is done for a reason. A medical test should be performed to establish...
Who says multiplying matrices sufficiently often (and applying one non-linear operation after each step) is enough to be complex? My understanding...
Separate names with a comma.