I hope someone will write another response given that this would appear to be a major point of contention. Perhaps it will be sensible to point...
If I’m reading things correctly Jonathan, is not only referring to the placebo-effect here which seems to be defined very vaguely but rather to...
I can think there is ample evidence that people report "cognitive PEM" from "cognitive exertion". But to me it isn't quite clear whether there are...
@Chris Ponting if there is some bridging funding required to keep your team together or to ensure that the final steps and possible follow ups of...
I don’t think the goal would be that money motivates people to solve problems. As you’ve already said, that simply doesn’t attract the right kind...
Poll with a related question: Poll: In pwME that report worsened sleep following exertion/excessive activity (or during PEM) what happens to your...
Why is this news right now? I remember Attomarker being discussed 1-2 years ago, but seemingly nothing ever came from it, there weren't really any...
As far as I understand the discussion on the forum, we don't know any clear answers to the following questions and various different people have...
I can think was discussed somewhere else already and there was a possible explanation. Maybe in the needing to lie down thread? Edit: Found the...
I might be repeating myself but it must to be possible to copy what Ascherio did for MS-EBV for ME/CFS-EBV. There will be complications...
Not only due to vaccination (but also repeated infections, saturation effects etc), but yes the whole world seems to be working under this...
There seems to be no clear relationship between ME/CFS and Covid vaccines as far as I've seen the studies being discussed on this forum. (Of...
That would be the purpose of something like LIINC. I believe they have before-during-after data at least for a subset of patients (maybe it's more...
As with the Covid example and all other examples I would think that you'd need a control cohort to establish whether the rate of ME/CFS after...
There would also be the question: At what time points do you want to collect data? Are resolvent (ME/CFS-like) post-viral fatigue and ME/CFS...
I actually think even just good incidence data as in the work by Ascherio on EBV would already be extremely useful. If you can establish that...
The problem is that within a short period of time you cannot know whether someone has ME/CFS or not. It might be post-viral fatigue which ought to...
Scheibenbogen has been running and publishing such studies both for Covid and EBV (see for instance One-year follow-up of young people with ME/CFS...
So supposedly a negative result for small fiber neuropathy. This would be contradicting their own meta-analysis A systematic review and...
Then that example can clearly be thrown out of the window.
Separate names with a comma.