Yes, well this is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a while but I find it hard to engage in this topic (outside of the emotional...
Well, I definitely did feel a sense of shame when being told I had MUS. Going through the CBT trial, reading the booklet, makes you think you’re...
The walking stick came! I really love it. My mum managed to fix it to the right height for me. It does hurt my arm to carry it and put weight on...
Sorry I meant to reply to this earlier but forgot. yes you are right about the SNP chip not affecting whole genome sequencing. But it’s just one...
Yes, I still use the covid Zoe app to check local & national rates. I think it’s the most accurate we are...
Thank you @mango! This is really helpful. I hadn’t realised there were different walking sticks for different things. It looks like the Hurry cane...
Hi, I went to a rheumatologist appt last week and he asked me if I could walk unaided, or used a walking stick or aids. I told him I could walk...
How is the WAVE3 gene connected to the mitochondria? The amount of the gene product is raised in ME/CFS patients, and that then influences the...
Which autoimmune diseases do you mean? (I have lupus and PEM or post-activity flares has never been blamed on lupus or any autoimmune illness, the...
Sorry I’m a bit confused on which is the right thread, but if I understand properly, the DHSC is involved in / setting up various subgroups? I...
Psychological trauma - but when I read about FND, the term “adverse events” is mentioned, and further reading revealed that FND can also be...
I’ve been given various functional diagnoses too sadly (including for stomach problems). The thing about FND specifically is how they have a well...
Yes, I wonder if others here personally know people (outside of this forum, and outside of ME or long covid advocacy), who have been diagnosed...
I wouldn’t say this is the same as “hijacking”. It’s probably more that over the years, a lot of PwME noticed that they had another symptom too...
There is a test for reactive hypoglycaemia, I’ve had it done before (via endocrinology). They take your blood, then give you a sugar solution,...
Indeed. It’s only recently that I’ve felt this, and I have been disabled since birth as well. Yes, for my chronic illnesses I do want a cure, but...
This is a step I thought the U.K. govt / NHS would never take. But they’ve done it.. How can this be safe, when we have to sit in waiting rooms?...
@Wits_End i use Fish insurance, which was recommended to me by the wheelchair company I had a look at their standard insurance policy document...
This is amazing news! Thank you for posting this!
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