This is exactly where my fear is coming from, @JemPD
We'll see what comes from it. Hopefully it won't be along the lines of Chalder, Moss-Morris, White, Crawley, et al. You know, the "experts."...
I can't believe that Friedberg keeps getting funding for this kind of stuff, from the NIH no less. The NIH must have money to burn, it seems....
CFS, as it was known then, was originally housed in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) until it was thrown out from...
Or when you go to your primary care physician who concludes you are depressed when you are not.
Psy-pss and PSS-POR. :laugh: :rofl: :D :grinning: :joy: So appropriate! Thanks, NelliePledge and Hutan. Laughed out loud. Just what I...
David Tuller wrote about these Dutch research funding awards in his last two publications. I quote from one of his articles: "Last July, ZonMw...
Sure sounds like it to me.
Spot on! This is exactly what they do. The first time I came across this was some years ago when I first began educating myself about ME/CFS. I...
I also was told that it would take 12 - 18 months for me to recover. One of my regrets is that I told that to some people around me. Of course,...
This whole situation is greatly distressing. I weep for us and for all future patients that may face this runaway push in medicine. It seems to...
I am so sick and tired of recent and fairly recent publications on ME/CFS, Long-Covid, and similar diseases throwing in the words "depression,"...
Thank you. Signed.
It seems to me that they are making it up as they go along, which only makes me have less trust in the medical profession than I already had.
:hug: Beautifully written. Thank you @Subtropical Island.
After struggling for many years with ME/CFS with a gradual downward progression, it was severe cognitive problems that made me finally quit my...
Barry, in the U.S. we have Forever Stamps and they say "forever" on them. It doesn't mean "America Forever," but rather these forever stamps can...
Yes, I would really like to know what their "rehabilitation programs" consist of.
Whenever I read this statement, I get a picture in my head of "an ME/CFS specialist clinician" waving a magic wand (only they have) over the...
Hope all goes well for you. Wishing you all the best.
Separate names with a comma.