These comments by Dr Michael Absoud, author of Zoe app LC study, in SMC’s expert reaction to preprint from the CLoCk study (Chalder and Crawley...
Thank you to you and others confirming it’s not the psych Peter White and further info. I was pretty sure it wasn’t but good to have confirmation.
Take it not psychiatrist Prof Peter White, now retired, of Barts?
From the Time article link on LongCovid posted by Art above: “Taken together, the implications are that people with persistent COVID-19 symptoms...
Keith Geraighty shared BMJ Editor, F Godlee, said this recently so still ignorant. [ATTACH]
Thank you. Someone wrote this on Facebook: “dr Danny Altmann was a speaker at a longcovid medical webinar recently (which insultingly had sir...
Regarding BPS people thinking ME is not any more real than CFS, I note in a talk by U.K. Prof Peter White - one of the major U.K. bps proponents...
Sorry photo didn’t attach in my post above. [ATTACH]
Yet Dr Ramsay, also from the UK, wrote this in the preface of the 1988 2nd edition of his short book, ‘ME and post viral fatigue states, The Saga...
When Gerada writes post PE, what is she referring to?
[ATTACH] Picture two didn’t attach in post above.
[ATTACH] Hope I am not digressing too much but has anyone shared Gerada is still at it? She posted the above on 7 Feb. Then went on to defend...
Sorry typing very limited. I accept she had abuse then from the mask/Covid deniers around that time but on the Monday TG had also shared Garner’s...
I had concerns about how things could turn out with Garner if he recovered - a distinct possibility having been ill for only a few months - ever...
@rvallee, apologies my French is virtually non existent. Does that list above include sensitivity to noise, light, touch etc? Thank you.
I have zero knowledge in the field of immunology so take what I say with a pinch of salt, but I think I have read they still haven’t established -...
PeeWee, I am just reading the article. It’s dreadful. Says large mental health component in CFS and implying long CoVid may be similar. From the...
NICE in their document that lists replies to stakeholders’ comments explain why they excluded mention of other conditions that have some similar...
Thanks @Esther12. Lucibee in her twitter thread someone linked to above also points out in a further tweet the NICE evidence the post CoVid...
@Robert 1973, I am not clear whether they are even trying to group those with post CoVid who end up meeting ME/CFS criteria as a separate group?...
Separate names with a comma.