Here's a link to one on CP in children Interestingly the references...
Box 2.1 Members of the scoping group NCC Director or senior staff member (Chair of scoping group) Project manager Information specialist...
a) The guideline will cover the clinical management of patients given a diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy) and/or...
Groups that the Guideline will cover Groups that will be covered a) The guideline will address the diagnosis, treatment and management of...
Description of CFS/ME from the original SCOPE "CFS/ME is a relatively common illness that places a substantial burden on patients, carers and...
Here is a copy of the SCOPE used for the existing NICE CFS/ME Guideline I think that the next NICE stakeholders meeting 25/5 will be on a new...
It's not a bad idea. I did leaflet a conference that IM was involved with which was shortly after their Guideline was presented to the APPG. They...
It's been a while now. He's a description by Prof Malcolm Hooper on a talk by Chris Clarke in 2001 " Address by Chris Clark Chief Executive of...
Thank you. I've given it a try from here. Both files were from a group that I belonged to at the time of the last Guideline and may have the odd...
and if you want something included but don't have any evidence, then just argue this (from the Behavioural subgroup) "Concerns were raised that...
Patients may not agree with the recommendations but tough - we followed NICE methodology "Commented that psychiatric bias is part of a historical...
and specifically argue against strategies that some patients do find useful "Strategies for which there are no evidence include • those which...
and of course we need to warn people about bed rest "It was suggested that the harmful effects of bed rest should go into the guideline before a...
and no mention of any problems with this class of antidepressant "(Question 2d) The use of Tryicyclics The group agreed that Tryicyclics are good...
I have a copy of a NICE questionnaire that is dated 2006 on my system. There is an alarm going off in my brain somewhere regarding problems with...
I'm copying similar things from the minutes as I go through them and trying to group into one post
Dilute down any evidence you don't like into meaningless and misleading statements "It was agreed that it should be combined into one evidence...
Make sure participants are uncomfortable and cannot hear proceedings "Venue XX venue comments? Sound? Other room? Microphones? XX we can look...
Limit access to published papers so members of the GDG don't get to read them. Limit requests by members of the GDG for more information due to...
How to limit the evidence even further. Accuse authors of bias to try and discredit papers on thing you don't want included. Obviously that does...
Separate names with a comma.