Muddy the waters by introducing somatoform disorders "Thank you for finding this paper – written by a GP on somatoform disorders. We are still...
Ensure that your patient reps are overloaded and may have to leave just when it gets interesting. Then split into 3 groups with only 2 remaining...
and keep pushing all through the guideline development process that there is a one unified "professional view" that is opposed to what patients...
And obviously this only applies if it is CBT or GET "Our job is to try and identify a range of treatments that may be helpful. They are...
Not sure if this made it through to the end Guidelines and if it didn't - why not? "There are several papers that say that people who have been...
Explain away harms of CBT and GET as being justified "When evaluation medical trials: a) expect to see some harm but that doesn’t mean there...
Push the idea that research into physical treatments is useless " Please note there is a call from patient groups to call a halt to the trials...
Keep putting off important issues into well into the process and have long discussions on things like health economics first. A good way of...
Pretend that patients will have a real choice and use this as a way of explaining away and absolving responsibility in harms and lack of...
Keep pushing all through the development process that GET and CBT are proven therapy with real benefits "It is noted that there is a danger in...
Put more power into the hands of the people who sell CBT and GET and let them conspire away from the patients and without being minuted "...
Throw in some psychobabble on "positive attitude" "The consensus was that there should be a balance between realism and optimism, recognising...
Split the Guideline into sections some of which have very little published research giving the impression that lifestyle factors are important...
Keep pushing the desired result in the official minutes from an early stage and before treatments for adults have been discussed and agreed (my...
Then use poor criteria to define the disease "Discussion Definition of CFS/ME Broad or narrow definition of CFS/ME? Canadian vrs Oxford....
Next way of ensuing that the Guidelines are biased. For a topic only invite those from the Psych lobby "Discussion of points raised during the...
This is an interesting method of diluting patients input. Given that there were only 3 patients on the GDG. Just something to be aware of next...
It's interesting that Mansal Anyward knew Chris Clarke in 2004. I'm wondering when was the first involvement of AFME in PACE and was it all...
Not for me sadly. I put it into reader mode which changed to a black background with the text laid out differently and i made me nearly sick to...
I'm guessing Rob (the Producer) went to AFME and that was how you ended up with Julia Newton and Emily Beardall. Also Emily works for AFME as a...
Separate names with a comma.