I can't understand why on earth Paul Garner, whose own public account of his confused experience complicates his objectivity and who is now...
Indeed. I suspect long-covid may become politicized in very extreme ways. I hope I'm wrong about that.
Full article available as pdf. As expected, even with results that contradict their initial hypothesis, the authors manage to contort it all and...
Shocking. I've heard that drug mentioned maybe 50+ times in references to long covid.
Seems pretty sketchy.....the living with "recovery program" is a hodgpodge of online advice with the goal grinding through as many patients as...
My thoughts on the Horning spinal fluid study is it wouldn’t be replication regardless, but isn't high quality enough to be supportive because 1)...
In this video, https://www.s4me.info/threads/iimer...ence-week-london-2019.5907/page-4#post-184672 , it appears to show the first 3 individuals...
Seems very promising. I like that the methods are detailed, so it should be something another group could reproduce. The authors seemed pretty...
Thanks, just a quick thought on the csf study is it uses controls that got csf drawn on "routine testing" so I don't know how great a reference...
One result I've been wondering about recently is the supposed shift in cytokine profile found by Hornig in 2015....
This seems like the right idea of what would be a useful study on persistent symptoms in covid. The p-values seem pretty high, though, and the...
Several responses to the paper.... https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/8/11/322/htm Whatever the detection methods are, the results seem common in...
Did she have me/cfs before, though?
These researchers seem to be very specifically drawn as those who are interested in viruses, so it's not surprising that they would float the idea...
2 Studies on post-covid by Avi Nath. Both started before the end of last year and are not me/cfs specific....
I am totally fine with Linda T's salary, it isn't a volunteer position. She has performed at a high level in fundraising and raised OMF into a...
Not strictly IDO2, but this 2008 paper https://bmcsystbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1752-0509-2-95 identifies TPH2 as a gene of...
I believe there might be use in going to see if it pinged any other epigentic me/cfs studies, but I'm too tired to do that atm.
Histone deacetylase has come up a few times over the past decade. 1) In 2011, Lenny Jason found, in this paper 2) A group at Brussels has set...
Thanks everyone, I have the v5 as well for 23andme. @Milo I'm not overly trustworthy, but it felt like getting it a plugging it into a data to...
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