Twitter post from #MEAction
Reminder for anyone who wants to help out with the 2022 Millions Missing protest scheduled for Monday, September 19. There's an online training...
Article from the Washington Post (no paywall) about fall booster shots for the USA. No idea how accurate this information is, just passing on the...
Two videos about orthostatic intolerance, part of the Project ECHO series for PASC (Long COVID) and Post-Viral Syndromes, have been posted to the...
#MEAction has posted the latest article in their "Facets of ME" series - Travel Tips Full article here -...
Mildly annoyed to see these quotes from Matt Durstenfield (a cardiologist) near the end of the article: It's possible he was talking about a...
Announcement on the ME Action website, posted on August 2nd:
The summer 2022 edition of the Solve M.E. Chronicle is now available. Link to PDF:...
It looks like they have changed the headline on this opinion piece. Same author, same date, but the new headline is, If You’re Suffering After...
Ten minutes seems like a rather short time frame for a tilt test. I thought that at least 30 minutes was more usual? And I remember in the 1990s...
Moved post Washington Post article about Long Covid and the brain: How long covid reshapes the brain — and how we might treat it Gift link (no...
New op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer by Jennie Spotila: Let’s approach COVID like the weather. Depending on conditions, we grab an umbrella (or...
I'm not sure how exactly our forum members might use this type of guideline, but I came across this recently and found it interesting. Link to...
MEAction sent an email with new information for the #MillionsMissing September 2022 Protest. I've copied the full text into the quote section...
#MEAction will hold a Virtual Town Hall on August 27 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm PDT (3:00 - 4:00 pm EDT). This purpose of this meeting is discuss the...
A new video on Post Exertional Malaise (40 minutes) has been posted on the Bateman Horne Center YouTube channel: [MEDIA] From the video...
I'm replying to my own comment to add that Solve M.E. obviously has a longer term strategy with this PSA series. They did mention this in their...
I'm happy they made this PSA, but I do wish there was at least one mention of ME/CFS in the video (eg, "many Long Covid patients meet the...
Thanks for transcribing that quote! I was just coming here to do that. :) Screen shot from about 9:20 in the video: [ATTACH]
The reason I was surprised by the "and" in the name is because this is a document from a US government organization. I've never seen this phrasing...
Separate names with a comma.