@Simon M is right!
"Well sure, they have executive dysfunction, but really that's such a trivial thing.... " Haven't read the article so I don't know what sort of...
"...Only every fourth had exercise intolerance..." ONLY (25%)? That's A LOT of people with exercise intolerance!
I am probably being oversensitive but I am irritated that the authors go back and forth between using ME/CFS and CFS.
The NIH post re Fauci's departure https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/statement-anthony-s-fauci-md
Yes, in theory CDC is supposed to do surveillance. In practice, as we have seen, with ME they have refused to do so. In theory this project would...
As others have said, most people cannot access a TTT, but a 10 minute lean test is accessible. In the recent (July 2022) National Academy of...
Truly disgusting and horribly dismissive of the reality of ME!
While I understand the desire to have a journal that focuses on ME (and certainly the Fatigue journal does not do so exclusively), I wonder how...
"Meet the Institute of Medicine (Canadian Consensus Criteria) case definition for ME/CFS" The IOM criteria are not the CCC. Did they leave out...
Even if it is true that delta is more likely to trigger LC, the sheer number of people who have gotten omicron (and many have gotten it more than...
NOTE - The JAN pages have been updated - there are now 2 pages - one entitled About Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...
I don't see anything about children in this document?
I find the JAN pages problematic as they refer to ME as cfs, the diagnostic criteria is still Fukuda, PEM is not thoroughly described and many of...
Ah yes! We can ALWAYS take NIH at their word, can't we? (Like in their (purported) commitment to ME and such....) Sigh!
I wonder why they use "chronic fatigue syndrome" or "CFS" in the research questions. (for example, A2.1, A3.11, B4.7)
I thought this quote was intriguing “...Available therapies for some adults with long COVID include rehabilitation,35 but the optimal exercise...
Definition used for cohort?
Yikes! Table 1 Proposed progression in re-starting physical exercise [27]. Stage Length and proposed training Stage 1 Day 1 and 2. 2 days minimum...
Requiring a positive test makes getting a diagnosis pretty difficult in many countries. Yet only having to have one symptom is pretty broad........
Separate names with a comma.