I know they have something about PEM on their site but at least until recently they disavowed ME as a follow-on to some LongCOVID. Has that stance...
US Department of Health and Human Services has issued some PSAs (public service announcements) on YouTube (don't know if they are also airing on...
As if the unpredictability of symptoms isn't sufficient reason for the person to have anxiety....
Very little that CDC has done throughout the pandemic has felt right.
ME is supposedly not as mysterious as fibromyalgia but fibromyalgia has FDA approved treatments and ME has none.... Sigh!
I am sorry you have to play "the heavy". Please be careful about your energy expenditure and try to not harm your health!
Oh good grief! I am biting my tongue/holding back my fingers to refrain from saying/typing what I am really feeling about this. (Perhaps it should...
I don't know if this VELPEAU Neck Brace -Foam Cervical Collar - Soft Neck Support Relieves Pain & Pressure in Spine - Wraps Aligns Stabilizes...
Translation: Here. Have a pittance. Be grateful you get THIS [paltry] amount. Now be quiet. Totally insufficient amount to truly make a difference...
David Bell's follow-up also found that much depends on how one defines recovery....
I am "sure" he just means he is taking more time these days to "smell the roses". (IF, of course, his sense of smell is not impaired by LC.)
Several good quotes in this and the closing statement is among them. "While post-COVID clinics are starting to emerge, it will be an important...
True, it is a start. IF the parents and teachers make the connection between activity one day and PEM - especially if delayed.
The child could be sitting perfectly still (or even laying down) at school and be over their activity limit especially if they were trying to...
I admit to generalized (and specific worry) every time I see Chalder's name....
And one has to be right handed. ?
"Oh my stahs, I do believe I feel a faint coming on." (dramatic hand to forehead followed by delicate slump onto fainting couch conveniently at...
Rant - In order for me to be able to understand articles about what happens to people after they have acute COVID-19 infections I need to know...
This paper refers to mood swings and irritability as cognitive sequelae. It also feels as though it gives little attention to impaired memory and...
I believe MEAction and Solve(?) each have a project underway to build a set of photos that are more appropriate.
Separate names with a comma.