I've seen this claim before about trimipramine not affecting sleep stages, but haven't ever really seen good scientific data on this.
Some correspondence with Bergen... "There have been no further updates since the cyclophosphamide study was published in April this year...
Also posted the above in the sleep meds thread
Discussion about day-time dosing of melatonin by Robert Phair here...
OK, but the trade-off is that the patient misses out on the best sleeping pill. The benzodiazepines for sleep are mostly half-measures. I’ll bet...
Ummm you forgot the gold standard. https://www.drugs.com/comments/secobarbital/ A perfect 10/10 rating. Physicians are so scared to prescribe...
Another example of a dopamine agonist/partial agonist helping with CFS symptoms
Why not? I have daytime fatigue and would like to not have it. However, I would prefer to see a trial of pitolisant (Wakix) which works by a...
This disease should have its own dedicated journal.
Dopamine agonists, which treat RLS may also treat MECFS https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/how-i-solved-my-neuroinflammation.81625/
Any ideas for questions for Allison Kanas?
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00702-020-02166-2 Active but not sham tDCS resulted in a significant improvement of fatigue at day 5...
https://www.neurologyadvisor.com/topics/multiple-sclerosis/the-role-of-ketamine-infusion-for-patients-with-ms-related-fatigue/ Low dose ketamine...
https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2020/10/15/fatigue-nucleus-multiple-sclerosis-fibromyalgia-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ Cort’s write up.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/21/arts/music/keith-jarrett-piano.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage Mentions his CFS
@Jessie 107 how long have you been on Abilify? Thanks
80% of patients improve on Abilify according to RD [MEDIA]
Rescheduled A Message from Survivor Corps: We are pleased to inform you that our rescheduled COVID Live Webinar with Dr. Anthony Fauci will be...
See errata https://lupus.bmj.com/content/6/1/e000254corr1
Separate names with a comma.