the ability of so called educated people to astound me with their stupidity is just overwhelming . do they not have their ridiculous papers proof...
why do patients accept this as a diagnosis there is absolutely no evidence for it . the sum total of our present understanding of the brain and...
does any body think it strange that abysmal papers like this grossly devalues higher education since they seem to throw out parrot fashion...
waste of time this has been done forever or at least since the sixties . it is not the strain of virus that is important it is the resulting...
there are many medications whose side effects include headaches weirdly enough I was prescribed cocodamol for headaches the rebound headaches from...
damn that's ambitious two thoughts in one week lol but it is at least a good song .
I thought it likely its because they don't go to the quacks for diagnoses . After all if a doctor doesn't recognise it it doesn't exist .
how it wakes you to human malevolence at the highest levels in medicine and politics ill will and stupidity seem to be close companions .
something of a double edge sword since pain clinics are swallowing the psyche approach as in accept ignore and go away .
getting any kind of benefit these days requires jumping through arbitrarily created hoops . I had my fifth tribunal last month if I had been to...
strange that there was no controversy until the insurance companies bottom feeding lapdogs created it .
that's nice considering tony blairs government started this absolutely shameful attack on the chronically sick . mostly when various politicians...
seems like a copy paste article pure laziness .
the mouse looks embarrassed by the utter incompetence of the lesser human species it is studying . hitch hikers guide has a lot to do with this lol
I see the same way as any other distraction technique bloody useless long term .
probably a rehash of sick building syndrome . very popular with bs artist in the 90s I think . no body bothered checking for all the toxic...
just an other commercial advancement into ripping of taxpayers .
he has my sympathy dealing with any kind of high stress job with even a mild version of this disease would rapidly lead to a considerable...
sci hub says it exist to make knowledge freely available .so why are they giving a platform to this philosophical bs that has and always will be...
it comes and goes I have zero understanding of what triggers it for years I used to put it down to leaning on one arm of course that did not...
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