I think the bonus with the zero-g is that it’s made of a woven seat - it adapts to your body shape in a way cushions don’t. I’ve used one indoors...
Retaining therapist jobs, yes.
I don’t see how the PROMS project has any crossover with ensuring the NICE guidelines are implemented, lol
You can opt in to be part of research in the NHS app. I haven’t, so I can’t see the screens. I don’t want to be bombarded with stuff. [ATTACH]
I doubt the NHS spends money tracking whether they meet “guideline” standards. Although they do probably employ as many quality assurance posts as...
It is also the old “silo” problem. Everyone does their particular part, and if they can’t help they pass you on to some other part. In reality, no...
It’s ok, nobody is doing care plans or following the guidelines.
Exactly, it’s dependent on what’s available in any local area which a local charity or group has set up. The chances are that a social...
Social prescribing is another myth - housebound people cant really join arts club, physical exercise or whatever. Connecting you to community...
They’re only guidelines where the illness is of unknown eitology and there’s no diagnostic test or treatment, that’s for sure. Probably a bit...
There is no care. You can’t access something which doesn’t exist. Social services assessed I can have one visit per day for 15 minutes, the carer...
It’s a horrible process, yes. I had to go to appeal to get basic level. But in order to actually “pace” I need higher level. I’m not sure that...
I guess there will be a new health minister. It’s so disappointing because Gwynne had experienced Long Covid there was hope he’d be a good ally.
I agree with this approach. On moving here, I was met with thick grease. I applied the cleaning product and I bought cheap shower exfoliation...
I bought one of these for £28 in the sale. Cheapo versions are available on Amazon, eBay etc. It is brilliant for cleaning the bath, and also the...
Andrew Gwynne Health Secretary Sacked over offensive comments...
I dare you to reply “because”
A different type of frailty called PEM perhaps? Which isn’t actually frailty.
I feel like Sonya promised a review of all docs in light of the last letter?
Separate names with a comma.