Alas, no. Indeed nobody even mentioned the possibility of blood clots until I was leaving the hospital and a nurse handed me a brochure saying,...
I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee -- specifically a lateral release and debridement. It was worse than useless. Not only did I develop...
responding to this post Or this by @sTeamTraen which also suggests a, problems with the big Ivermectin study.
Just got the Johnson&Johnson vaccine on Thursday. No side effects, not even a sore arm*. I have severe ME/CFS. The last time I got a vaccine --...
Medscape: Pandemic Boosts Care for Serious Illnesses at Home Hospital care at home is nothing new for patients with low-level health needs. But...
This is precisely what happened to me. Had surgery, DVT & PE, hemorrhaging on the anticoagulants, AND gastroenteritis all within two weeks. I have...
As a writer, I can be a real sucker for a neat metaphor. But then I read Susan Sontag's Illness as Metaphor, which rightly disabused me of that...
It's like saying the flu is merely a case of acute fatigue.
This is the part I don't understand. My first question when I read the snippets that have been posted here was, "but, didn't they read the...
Medscape: The Anxious History of Understanding Cortisol In 1941, with the Second World War well underway, the Allies captured a German submarine...
I don't disagree with this but in addition to patients just not being told the truth (i.e. there's nothing to be done), the big problem is how...
Alas, it only works on Mac it looks like rather than iOS, but I use this one and don't know what I'd do with out it: Screen Color Filters. It...
I absolutely agree with this and @MSEsperanza 's skepticsm. By doggedly insisting on explaining OI through a hemodynamic lens, Rowe et. al are...! We have a Research-Industrial Complex to support! Seriously, this 1000x. I wish NIH and MRC would erect neon signs with these...
I feel a bit guilty as I was dithering about whether to post this here because technically the piece isn't about ME/CFS per se and I wasn't sure...
If "biopsychosocial" hadn't become so utterly meaningless at this point, this would actually be a moment in which it might prove useful. What we...
From the article in the New Republic that @rvallee mentions above: Thoughts on the possibility of type-1 interferons playing a role in ME/CFS?
Sometimes I wish we had a "fuck YES!" button in addition to a "like" button. This is the very thing in pain research that drives me absolutely...
NY Magazine: We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time By David Wallace-Wells Curious about @Snow Leopard 's thoughts on this.
Quite. I took the same exception to Coyne's phrasing, especially as it plays right into the hands of the behaviorlists/BPS lot. We didn't do the...
Separate names with a comma.