Years ago the UK SMC had something like the materials the NZ SMC has. I wished that I would have downloaded the materials because they were very...
Oregon to change how it reports COVID-19 recoveries
Medscape Medical News: Breathing Enriched Oxygen May Improve Major Depression Numerous PET imaging studies have documented diminished brain...
Yes, opioids, muscle relaxants, gabanioids, heat, warm-hot baths (but not too hot or OI gets worse and I'll have seizure-like episodes), sometimes...
The key with massage for me has always been absolutely positively NO deep-tissue massage. Light massage such as myofascial release has made being...
Medscape: Unexpected Results in New COVID-19 'Cytokine Storm' Data
Moved from the post Covid thread. So, this feels a bit gossipy but The Guardian is reporting that Boris Johnson appears to still be having...
So, what's the benefit of a FitBit over a good ol' fashioned pedometer? I would think pedometers would be cheaper and avoid all the arm-waving. ;)...
Here in my state of Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority reported at the end of July: While the situation is better than it was in March, my...
Along with the well-reasoned theories already given, I'd say that nobody goes into medicine so they can tell their patients "I don't know what's...
For those who, like me, might be interested in the social historical contexts to epidemics and where SARS-Co-V-2 fits within them, you might find... do they plan to enforce this? What's to stop hospitals from just ignoring this directive and giving CDC the info anyway? ETA: Here's a...
Perhaps someone can tweet this to Dr. Paul Garner? I'm sure he'd love to have the RCP tell him to exercise right now. ;) Seriously, though, he...
From Medscape: "For Experts Who Study Coronaviruses, a Grim Vindication"
I've been using plastic-coated twist ties in the masks that I've made. They seem to be working, though maybe not as well as the metal clips you...
LOL - but as an epidemiologist, the more pertinent question would be, is it probable?
Scientists say a now-dominant strain of the coronavirus appears to be more contagious than original Particularly interesting given earlier...
Like @Michiel Tack in the Medscape CME thread, I'm baffled that the same guy who authored that CME--which is quite good--could have authored this...
Guardian: More cases of rare syndrome in children reported globally (link)
Science Magazine: Pepcid for COVID-19?:
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