Change won't come from doctors believing us. Not at first. It will come from good quality research. The public, governments etc will all change...
This was the rationale behind the LDA trial that was rejected (with the infamous 'its depression, give them antidepressants' aside to Ron). Why...
That is a very good question. Especially with abilify, Davis had a study of that ready to go and the NIH shot it down. I don't know where they're...
Interesting. I hope this other study gets funded. But it does really frustate me that Davis himself can't get trials funded. I don't believe he is...
I don't know where the right place is for that kind of story, but I would certainly be interested to read it. And I wonder if you have been in...
I think this came out the same day as the blood biomarkers study, so it didnt get much attention. I'm curious as to what our resident scientists...
In a sane world the DWP would be legally prohibited from funding this sort of thing, especially after what happened with PACE.
I have heard anecdotal accounts on the long covid sub reddit of precisely this. In the context of Wes Ely’s Baricitinib trial, people saying they...
Hopefully the BLOC study will tell us whether or not BC007 has a significant effect in long covid. Results in October last I heard. I will never...
This is the other mechinism, aside from GPCR autoantibodies, by which it's theorised BC007 could work. The drug apparently affects/corrects RBC...
When I first got mild ME, one of the curious things that happened was that I was going through all of my socks on the ball of my foot. At first I...
'Concern in this area highlights the fact that health professionals may not appreciate that giving advice on care, when reliable evidence for that...
Of course it should. And PACE is a strong example of why. It has been thoroughly discredited, and exposed as fraudulent in court no less, but the...
Agree, BPS language about this is designed to manipulate both patients and the public and its deliberate.
As someone who is a neurotic perfectionist, it totally fucked up my academic and creative careers because nothing I did was ever good enough. I...
Yes I have said this before but it bears repeating. Doctors who said the former I dismissed out of hand. Doctors who bamboozled me with the latter...
I just want to say that when I first became severe and learned about Wessely/BPS at the beginning of 2021, it was pretty much unthinkable that a...
True. But it's the NIH not some tiny funding starved researcher in an obscure university. Why couldn't they have studied more patients?
Thanks, I wasn't aware of the replication attempts. I thought their theory had to do with ion channels or something? I am quite new to all this...
What on earth is the point of these miniscule cohorts? I know its not the kind of study where you'd want hundreds of patients but 7? It makes the...
Separate names with a comma.