This isn’t strictly related but as we’re discussing the validity of the lightning process I thought I’d contribute this thought. There are lots...
Is it possible to resign as a volunteer? Anyway, if someone has personal disagreements with something they’re free to make that known...
This wouldn’t really happen til the debate got to the HoC. Westminster Hall debates are basically a way to put a case to a ministerial department....
I don’t know. I feel like being on point with word usage is actually quite important. Were the shoe on the other foot, I’m sure if we as a patient...
While I understand where you’re coming from, the alternative is people with no energy constantly trying to advocate for themselves, which probably...
One problem here is that I think there are some patients who do receive supportive CBT for their ME. Their seems to be wild variations between...
So why haven’t they, given that we’ve known about this illness for decades? This community has self-funded so many important things. But it needs...
To me, advocacy broadens the amount of people who become interested in the illness. That in turn leads to more funding down the line. It’s...
To be honest it probably serves as a neat reminder that this forum is public and that your words will be used against you on contentious topics.
Being bombarded with @ replies on something you know very little about is at best a bit perplexing on twitter and at worst very irritating. This...
While I agree, I feel like the audience for these tweets is so, so low. One would have to follow both Simon wessely and an ME patient in order to...
FWIW, all the people in my online support group watched it and we all had really bad responses to it. It’s a terribly bleak film, and one that I...
I think target-based fundraising always seems to have work best, in my limited experience. Give x, get y, etc. David Tuller’s crowdfund was very...
I do not have the spoons to read the full doc, so apologies if this is in there, but does it say anything about combinations of causes? I.e., in...
Sigh. Why does there always have to be so much public posturing around ME activism in the UK? It would’ve taken one private email from Invest in...
Am I being dense and not seeing a quote or does MS not state anywhere that “ME can be cured by counselling”? Seems foolish to tweet this at him if so.
Yes. Who if I remember correctly published his theory on stress in CFS in a pay to publish journal :laugh:
The thing is though, women are treated worse then men by healthcare systems. This has been shown clearly. The other point you mention about it...
Why do people in the thread (@Sid, and those who liked the comment) not think that this is a good interview? I’m personally on the fence, as I...
Howard Bloom previously wrote about his experience with ME/CFS in the New York Times:...
Separate names with a comma.