Tiny numbers (7 in the treatment group, of whom one didn't adhere to the treatment; 9 in the control group, of whom 5 dropped out at various...
My husband is gluten sensitive and his experience is very much like yours, including not knowing that the test wouldn't be valid if he was...
Not terribly well controlled then, if some of the participants were completely off gluten at the time of the trial and some weren't?
Not a fan of "dark" being used to denote "bad". If her work stands up to scrutiny then she ought to be able to find a scientifically descriptive...
Part of the Lightning Process is that patients are told that in order to get better, they have to tell their 'recovery story'? i.e. they have to...
In the cohort description it says "Individuals recruited were symptomatic COVID-19 patients aged 18 or older, who had at least one risk factor for...
Needing intervention for homicidal thoughts and needing a chat and a hug after a breakup are just not in the same category of therapy, however...
If my maths is right, less than 5% of the people invited to participate returned an intake questionnaire - and presumably not all of those will...
happy unhappiness upward downwardness daytime night-timeness words, what even are they?
also when you're typing on here it's a communication with people who broadly get where you're coming from, whereas if you're writing a letter to...
It's good to see increasing numbers of studies looking at PEM. I'd love to see some research on what happens *before* PEM, what chemical state the...
Paul Garner is a signatory to one of the letters responding to the article about Toby here...
No idea if this is relevant or any good, but someone I follow on Mastodon just posted a link to this with the comment that it's good to see a...
Rifle shooting? Especially the category where you can lie down?
(Not really sure where to post this, sorry if it's off topic) I was half-listening to the BBC 6 Music breakfast show as usual today. Someone...
or maybe she's just getting better.
This. All the well-meaning friends and relatives saying "But that person on that TV show said it made them feel so much better! Are you sure you...
Unserious Science The first section of this article by Adam Mastroianni made me think of quite a few studies that show up in the psychosomatic...
Also https://www.ipsea.org.uk/ is a great source of advice on statutory rights for young people with medical issues.
Ah, makes sense. Sad.
Separate names with a comma.