See rvallee's post above in this thread re Cambridgeshire & Peterborough...
... when you test for it using blunt instruments that don't properly identify it, and refuse to do any more specific testing on the grounds that...
I wonder if there's any way to report these deteriorations, like the Yellow Card system for adverse events/side effects with medication?
The Telegraph continuing its efforts to ensure that the public health response to the next pandemic will be even worse than the last one.
And NHS clinics are pushing this app on patients. (Because they really think it works, or just because it's cheap and they think the patients...
I think the tweeter might be confusing association and causation.
I notice Louise Cummings' name in that list - she published this on language and cognition impairment in Long Covid, which looks like she...
I keep thinking of this cartoon, 'You Get What You Measure' - especially re bobbler's question "Is this going to be another accessibility barrier...
An opinion piece in the BMJ by Trisha Greenhalgh, Martin McKee and a few others: “… a range of...
especially as the 'snapshot' doesn't seem to have any way of distinguishing between a symptom that isn't currently causing problems because you're...
plus of course 'people with LC who use fitness trackers and respond to healthcare surveys' is only a subset of people with LC.
I wonder if that's people at the 6-month stage still trying to be 'normal', so they keep overexerting and crashing and lying flat out and switched...
It's the accompanying letter that says: here's your £10, and if the DWP has accidentally overpaid you then you'll be subject to legal proceedings...
It's a good point that just 'discovering' something isn't enough to make it known, there are all the other steps of having it recognised and...
like Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes maybe?
The pandemic experience was very different for different people.
or they'd just use a pair of colours that aren't confused in colour blindness? Last time I did a Stroop test it was red and blue.
Something that seems to happen a lot in ME research is that the patient group shows much more variance than the healthy controls (as in the red...
I think those unimpressive numbers probably say more about the success or otherwise of the c.40 sessions of treatment (which the patients were...
Separate names with a comma.