Simon says: A little less T-cells and a little more psychology. [SPOILER]
So are you saying that if a patient gets PEM from emotional exertion then their illness is partially psychosomatic?
I already made a similar thread here:
This paper praised a brain retraining program which is a huge red flag for me. Reference 33 points to a study of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue...
Unfortunately some won't believe until they get it themselves.
046 - Does oxaloacetate reduce ME/CFS fatigue? [MEDIA] @6:40 He mentions using the Chalder Fatigue Scale uncritically, so this is not a study of...
What dodgy studies have they funded? I did a quick search but found this instead: I'm kind...
He doesn't mention damage from exercise anywhere in the video. I'm repeating myself again but Shepherd represents and advocates for Ramsay-ME and...
Symptoms from odors should be treated as if they are just as real and deteriorative as PEM from light or sound.
DEID - Deteriorative Exertion Intolerance Disease.
Are you condoning the use of the Oxford criteria for ME? Why conflate Fibromyalgia with ME? They are opposites, Fibromyalgia is a...
I don't understand why, it's far superior to CFS.
Don't forgot to mention that ME was hijacked twice (3 times if you count the so far unsuccessful redefining of ME as PEM). In 1970 ME was...
I had unrefreshing sleep, brain fog, my eyes would sting from lack of sleep. I became a very light sleeper, with smaller noises being enough to...
My Autistic Burnout was misdiagnosed as CFS. There's a lot of overlap with the sensory issues, I had both deteriorative auditory intolerance and...
I'm glad they called out Ben Goldacre upon his pseudoscientific nonsense, I wish more skeptics would rebel against him. A lot of so called...
Overall a good video, I've just got a few points to make. @3:40 - Says muscle fatigueability would become known as PEM but this is not true.I...
@24:00 They keep repeating the same lie about not saying the symptoms aren't real.
[MEDIA] Would anybody care to speculate upon why this was found? Also Jarred Younger Says ME & Fibromyalgia are different manifestations of the...
I can't remember, it came in a big tub similar in size to a tub of protein powder, and with a similar scoop. I took it for about a month.
Separate names with a comma.