I'm hoping you all can see that it would take days to respond to these many comments. I will make two central points, then I have to focus on...
I appreciate all the discussion, though I can't possibly answer all these small points. Maybe it's helpful for me to say that I understand why...
1. I am not proposing that any terms get "repurposed". Not going to say that again. I'm just reporting on usage among the med professionals who...
Yes, very articulate and clear. And I completely agree. Tons of patients are getting the CFS diagnosis still, and most don't have the energy to...
Willow, the movement completely agrees with you. That is the point of it. The movement says Wessely and Sharpe were wrong and have done...
This is exactly the problem, I think - that so many in such a powerful group think the global change in professional attitudes toward ME is...
I'm still unclear what bearing this has on the movement initiated by the IOM, NIH and AHRQ reports. Nothing about the coding system changes the...
As always, your knowledge of coding far exceeds mine, Suzy, and I actually don't have any arguments against any of the points you've been making....
Suzie can you clarify the purpose of these efforts? Wouldn't it be good for ME patients if all the clinicians stopped using the term CFS? This...
That's a great point, though I haven't actually said it's valid. Nothing in the BMJ letter says or implies that, though I do appreciate that it's...
Sorry I'm not following your reasoning. Seems like you're saying that because people have been conflating the disease with a psych condition for...
Ok, I understand your point. And you're right - if the core BSS construct is the same as Fink BDS, then it's a bad idea to accept it. I think...
I don’t think Rosendal’s picture is objective. She has a strong investment in characterizing things in a way that’s favorable to BDS. And there is...
The core construct of BSS is essentially the same as BDD. Then BDS criteria are considered separately, as an potential addition. WHO studies...
Thanks for the clarification. (That Creed lecture by Fink is a monstrosity!) Yes, ICD-11-PHC is basically a primary care mental health manual, but...
Did you see my proposal to reject BDD? Yes of course I agree that we should advocate against anything that’s unproductive for the chronically ill...
I understand, Suzy, though I hope you know I played no role in those actions. I continue to be grateful for your work, which has taught me so much.
Oh I do want to say that your work pointing out White’s errors is just marvelous, Suzy. Thanks for exposing those confusions!
I’m not sure I’m understanding your point Suzy. At the time that info sheet was written, BDD was going to be implemented, so there was little...
Here’s a link to my proposal to reject BDD. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/23f4ba_9301dfea693f4df190b656a48886cbcd.pdf
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