It’s the statement about a promise that concerns me. When the RFA stating the amount of funding was announced, Lipkin would not have even...
It’s the appropriations bill. Advocates from Solve ME/CFS Initiative and ME Action work with supporters in Congress on the language in this bill...
Think about a child with MS in your child’s classroom. You wouldn’t worry about your child having MS also. You would just hope for the best for...
I didn’t get a chance to watch, but I was very curious about the comments about a promised amount of funding. That seemed odd to me. Does anyone...
I agree that prevalence figures don’t change the work that needs to be done, but they may affect the willingness of the responsible health...
My question always is how well do we know any of these numbers to be factual. You folks in GB may have a better guess, but no one tracks this...
As someone who had a child who became very sick with this disease in high school, I have to say that I never met a parent of one of her friends...
Interestingly, there was a point here in the US right after the Incline Village outbreak when there was a concern in the general population that...
Palliative care is essential. Treatment for sleep and pain is pretty straightforward and can be prescribed by doctors with a basic knowledge of...
I can only speak from my own experience, but I agree with this. The majority of those that I have known personally, as well as those from whom I...
While I support those who are currently on Ampligen being allowed to continue, I do not think that ME Action should support the expansion of its...
This is the time when Values & Policies are being reviewed by ME Action. Perhaps in the review next year that was discussed when @Michiel Tack...
One of the reasons that I like this forum is that I am, by nature and training, a skeptic. One of my greatest frustrations is that, in the current...
Since so much of the discussion has been about treatment, I went to check the treatment page. It’s almost completely a giant disclaimer....
But Wikipedia itself is loaded with misleading information. It is usually corrected by the community of users. It was initially even more full of...
I would strongly disagree, but I understand that you don’t want to divert the thread in that direction.
Moderator note: This post has been copied and following posts copied or moved from this thread: A proposal for ME Action: a commitment to...
I’m a bit baffled by the criticism of MEPedia. Is the general feeling that there should be no Wiki at all about this disease? All Wikis have the...
Does anyone happen to know the status of the research proposals that Dr. Davis submitted to NIH this year? I believe that there were 4 of them. I...
Separate names with a comma.