That honestly sounds like a good way to give cognitive pem
I always assumed that Wessley and co. genuinely believe in their theories and that they are correct. But seeing this number of inconsistencies in...
Thank you for the very detailed and helpful answer. Much appreciated:)
Wow scrolling through that made me so angry. And the number of contradictions are crazy!
Hahhahah that is brilliant. My bad I updated the original post to clarify “Medically unexplained physical symptoms”.
Hi. Since the MUPS (medically unexplained physical symptoms) crowd often like to classify ME as MUPS. I’m wondeting if there is a review or any...
If anyone has been wondering why ME/CFS is getting so much more attention in Austria in the past few years, a lot of it is due to the fact that...
Wow I read your amazon review of the book and it is really well done. Thanks for writing that.
You might benefit from reading the NICE guidelines. Specifically section 1.17 to give you an idea on severe ME. :)...
Yes, just so you know: many of the most severe sufferers, of ME, are unable to hold a conversation at all.
Thanks Dave for the explanation. And I’m not sure I can say it here, but thanks so much for everything you do for the ME/CFS community, you are an...
I think it would be important to mention in this study that you are already self selecting a cohort of less severe ME/CFS patients. For many...
It is so frustrating to continually see studies like this taken out of context and extrapolated by the media to feed the narrative that Long Covid...
Thanks Jonathan for the clarification :)
Hi, I’m working on pages related to ME/CFS in wikipedia, and I’m wondering if someone has a good source(s) to support the fact that the science...
I hope he writes up something on it, I had edited the “Controversies related to ME/CFS” wikipedia page to add a sentence or two about the science...
I’m not an expert but I think they should do autopsy studies. Given the lack of findings in ME/CFS, if there is long term persistance, its...
This was posted and got really big on the r/covidlonghaulers subreddit, I personally tried to post some comments telling people she was...
idk if this helps you but I have this when in pem. the only thing that helps (and ive tried a lot) is pacing. Doctors never took it seriously and...
I didn’t see anyone calling her out. Just some long covid people agreeing with her because they believe that ME and LC are completely different...
Separate names with a comma.