I wonder if the Mayo Clinic is the same clinic Hillary Johnson originally writes about in 1989 but calls the "Dubois" clinic in her recently...
Excellent clarification @Hip thank you.
If I had fewer morals and weaker ethics, I'd get into the psychosomatic industry. There is much money to be made, reputations to be built, and...
@Hip If EVs mutate, would this mean that a patient would need to take multiple anti-EV meds to be effective, similar to how HIV+ patients need...
I watched most of the first episode - I suspect that if a lay person watched it, they may have the impression that ME is psychological as there...
Ugh. (I deleted my original stream of expletives.)
I concur. My guess would be this is a learned behaviour at the feet of their parents. They were likely taught this overtly and covertly, and...
Can an individual (not physician / researcher) attend that conference? Or better yet, a group that can respond in some way? I'm attending the...
Awesome Mike. Good media for ME is priceless. Thanks for your ongoing exertion for ME folks!
Frightening how they dress up medical torture as treatment. Especially this: "Those children who are unable to work through their AMPS pain and...
A friend told me the other day that physicians have the highest suicide and drug use rates. I haven't checked the accuracy of those statements.
The 5 reviewers wrote their decisions, but we're not allowed to share publicly.
Short answer: Funding denied. Our Facebook post: [MEDIA]...
Sorry, I'm not permitted to share the application or the reviewers' comments.
Dr Moreau headed the application.
There was only one application for the grant. Applications must score at least 3.5 (out of 5) to be eligible for the funding. The application did...
"...do we have a situation where a massive new initiative is being rolled out to promote therapies with exaggerated efficacy for the purpose of...
Isn't the opposite likely more accurate? Lots of people probably died from ME, but Merryn is only the second to have it on the death certificate.
Isn't the research in... "social, behavioural, and environmental determinants of health" ...already well known to be... "a lacklustre approach...
Yes, when I interviewed Dr Hyde in Montreal he recounted that McEvedy cognac-soaked meeting (as well as dramatic near-death experience swimming...
Separate names with a comma.