Placebo effect of course. ;)
I think this is the root error in the medical system. If this one error - defaulting to psychological cause - was corrected there would be much...
Just a thought and from a 'chance to educate' perspective: How would you folks feel about inviting the lead author, Suzanne Broadbent, to this...
A form of tinnitus?
Would it be possible to share your presentation? There is a MUS movement in Canada spearheaded by the Medical Psychiatric Alliance that has $60...
I could not agree more. A close second is the lack of spine from political and health care leaders to change the institutional failure / error /...
Maybe Evidence Week should also have a theme of "Evidence Weak" to highlight PACE and its ilk.
No worries, it was beneficial to learn Wessely is on LDI's scientific board and his tentacles reach into Canada. We may have to edify LDI about...
I think LDI may stand for Lady Davis Institute (for Medical Research).
Awesome, thanks for this - my wheels are turning.
"...convening experts on all 3 conditions to establish case definitions and subsequently to create clinical practice guidelines that will be...
Listened last night - great job @Gary Burgess and @Trish I'm a total believer in the importance for the ME community to create media to move our...
Hey folks, I was chatting with a long time Canadian advocate and she recalled seeing a document online in about 2005 that referred to a 2000 (or...
A mostly BS prediction: there will be a high correlation of that 'anti-stress' bacteria already existing in sociopaths.
Pointed him toward Hillary Johnson.
Awesome choice as @JaimeS adds priceless lived experience to go with all that book-learnin'.
Beyond her engaging personality, the other big draw for me was aesthetic, her sense of style: the colour of the carpet / her hair / lipstick /...
My comment: Given that medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US (and probably very similar rates in other 'developed'...
She seems very focused and intent on pushing her motto that patients complaining kills physicians. And see she's now started using...
Separate names with a comma.