Montreal conference casualty. You are not alone.
From According to protection motivation theory there are...
In some sort of perfect world, the common message / slogan would be rolled out on 3 fronts: Paid media: put down the cold hard cash to produce an...
We've got enough footage know to make a sizzler to shop around, so we'll hopefully establish a production schedule soon, then after that will be...
Interesting. I thought the ME - ASD connection was that when toddlers get hit with whatever causes ME (eg enterovirus), it manifests as ASD, and...
Great to connect with did I not get you on Facebook Live to get the word out about your site? For others, our Facebook Live video from...
Oh, so sorry to hear you got slammed too - no doubt conducting the interview with Isabelle added to your exertion...and added much to our...
If memory serves, 1989 and 1991.
Why you should click through to the actual article on Way back in my life before ME, I wrote a blog for called: "HIV+...
I'm dreaming of May 13th with lots of horizontal time. But every other patient that was at the conference that I've talked to has crashed, so I'm...
LIVE ACTION SATURDAY! Prime Minister Trudeau Apologizes to Canadians with ME. [MEDIA] Okay, not quite yet -but wouldn't that be great? Prime...
The infamous 'Learned Helplessness' slide by Dr Alexis Goth. I interviewed her after her presentations and challenged her on this slide. We'll...
I think given our community's limited funding, our efforts may be best focused on creating media, rather than trying to buy it. Even earning media...
@MsUnderstood Does anyone believe the Statistics Canada number is accurate? Probably not. Does the Canadian government have any other data they...
Mixed emotions: At $280k a year it beats the current $70k one off. So now we have another crumb to go with the one crumb we've got. Equitable ME...
Calling ME an environmental illness is a category mistake and unlikely to be overall helpful. However, currently it is helpful in that a Task...
Meanwhile in Canada, in spite of over 580,000 diagnosed, Health Canada in its wisdom, has allocated $70k. All of that, plus more from patient...
Doing a little happy dance. (Okay, only in my head.)
Awesome, thanks for your speediness.
Hey folks, I'm trying to find the quote or link to the apology (maybe a year ago) by a Scandinavian (I think) Prime or Health Minister to ME...
Separate names with a comma.