As my mother would say, "Give me 5 minutes alone with them in a room".
Yes (1mg 3 days a week), and nope, haven't noticed any eye sight improvement.
Thanks @wigglethemouse and @Leila - I copied the pertinent bits into my notes for when I see my doctor - I have a H1 blocker too that has helped...
Yes, I forgot to mention that: it is more likely to occur if, when I return from going pee, I lay on either side -- the gurgling will start...
But it didn't cure your ME, I'm guessing. Still, any improved quality of life is appreciated.
I know, right? Part 2 gets published next Monday, and I asked him your question right near the end - he still sleeps in 2 four shifts, and sets...
It could be -- not sure what the 'automatic' thing gets triggered from going pee in the middle of the night. If Pepcid, a H2 blocker, helps,...
That's a good idea, and not just for this issue, so will get on that.
It started last summer -- I got my GP to send me to an allergist (that had done a lecture on MCAS, so thought he'd be good) -- but he said it...
Yes, that happens too -- 'normally' I'm cold so wear multiple layers, but I start sweating and have to peel off the layers -- usually once the...
I don't eat after 6pm. I always wake around 2 - 3am to go pee. Sometimes that will cause my stomach to start gurgling and within 10-15 minutes...
People of a certain age will remember Howard Bloom from his influence on rock music. Howard also spent 15 years mostly bed bound with ME --- 5 of...
Thanks all for the comments and information.
We have yet to see the ME community use the same tactics the AIDS activists / ACT UP used to great effect. And that type of 'in your face'...
Echoes of Temple Grandin?
Lead author Rosie Twomey is originally from the UK before switching career path and moving to Canada -- this bit was interesting: "...Very early...
ah, he's the creator of CBT Watch, I though he was an Ontario doctor.
Thanks -- I left a comment and am trying to track him down, but his name is pretty common.
On my 23andme / Genetic Genie.
Separate names with a comma.