In response to their joint statement someone should ask them directly why they didn’t make their objections known at the round table that was...
It is said that breathing a certain way can stimulate the vagus nerve, in a similar way to micro current devices
“Does Low Dose Naltrexone Improve Natural Killer Cell Functioning in ME/CFS?”...
Sent mine to Andrea Leadsom
I don’t know if this is of any help or use but I did get copies of all the minutes from the previous guideline group meetings that NICE held. I...
I think there was some confusion and Andy was replying about commenting on the BMJ article, whereas you were asking about the draft guideline
ETA - it could also focus on how the treatments and the misconception that it was a psychological illness meant it was extremely hard for people...
On the site there is a link at the bottom to the screening form that they will use and this gives a better idea of the type of symptoms you need...
I thought the vivoactive 3 could do that, well I know you can set a maximum heart rate and it buzzes if you go over that (I had to turn it off as...
I have the vivoactive 3 and get very similar results. My heart rate can go from about 60 if I am sitting down to 130 just by standing up. I got...
My GP confirmed to me today that I am included in group 6 because of ME/CFS
I am coming too - look forward to meeting you all, maybe we should all wear something so we know we are S4MEers!
I thought the same thing when I saw it in the magazine. There have been a few things in recent issues which I thought were very negligent and if I...
You can get smaller size ones. On amazon there are loads, I like the moldex spark plugs and they do have different sizes.
I think they just put anything to get your business! I would be dubious about the claims of legal expertise as well if I didn’t know that they...
Don't assume the lawyers are up to speed on things - even those advertising themselves as specialists in the area
By real stuff do you mean the smoking variety or is it an oil from another source?
I get a sore throat and glands too. I had glandular fever when I was younger and had really infected tonsils with it. Since then they have stayed...
I was prescribed Modafinil for my ME a few years ago. When I started taking it I thought it was wonderful - it enabled me to get through the day...
I think the ME charities should give donations. David has advanced the understanding of ME and made it possible to fight back against the BPS...
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