i do this. Also if you get the noise cancelling ones they are a better fit and filter out a lot of noise that would otherwise take up energy....
I forgot to post update - I got the standard bog off letter
Health and Life Rebalancing Programme https://www.fatigueguide.com/courses/ ...Some of my clients had been stuck in the stress and fatigue cycle...
Not sure if this is problematic or not but looks interesting: http://training.ucheducationcentre.org/home/viewcourse/303/ CFS/ME in Young People...
I am going to feed some pigs today. I will make them stand on circles of paper that say "i can fly" , will stick some cardboard wings on them and...
lets hope so :), it was with relation to insurance companies and their "experts" quoting cbt and get when denying claims
I haven't had a final response yet - maybe they are taking their time wading through them all
I havent tried this but wearing damp socks to bed I heard can work
dynamite letter!!
There are some other simon related posts on that blog, this one is a good one about accountability and transparency with respect to industry...
I know Northampton hospital does it but don't know how much.
the press release for the update is quite good https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2018/a0712-new-website-me-cfs.html
The great thing is now we can actually say PACE is being used to teach people about bad trial design and implementation
I don't know and it was just my guess as to the reason why they do this sometimes.
My consultant tells my GP what to give me and my GP prescribes it. It may be something to do with funding and the prescription charges being...
There was a programme on the BBC recently about antidepressents in children and it covered one where the medication was causing more problems....
Looked it up - its like snapchat but with video. So you can send short video messages to people. I guess there are groups within it and this one...
I thought it was an app as it says to download from google play. Maybe its a support group in an app.
no idea
Just providing the link for interest - not recommending either way [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.