Same. Straight after I got EBV, I noticed alcohol made me feel sick. It's difficult to describe, but it feels like being drunk and...
link These quacks should be consigned to ripping people off in back alleys with tarot cards or astrology charts. Instead they have...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] @PhysiosforME having to undo the harm caused by the BPS Cabal. Link to twitter thread
Spot on. This is a non-apology. Much in the same way they use the FND label, they're trying to placate patients by telling them "you have a real...
Government agencies tend to ignore complaints and the ABC is no different unfortunately. I just saw a suggestion from a doctor that it might be...
From what I've seen, tweets classed as "harassment" or "abuse" by those in the BPS cabal are merely pointing out that the Emperor is wearing no...
I seem to recall that @dave30th offered to appear on Swan's show when he was in Australia but was rebuffed. Swan's views on people with ME seem...
To complain to the ABC: It also might be worth sending a copy...
Sorry, I can't help. If they use Facebook, they might be able to get some suggestions in these groups:...
Apparently Paul Garner's sister has ME. I wonder how she feels about his claim that you can recover if you just apply yourself and think happy...
It's interesting that now he has 'recovered' he claims he met the ME/CFS criteria. Prior to this, he was quite resistant to the idea that he might...
Exactly. They've also gotten him to burn all bridges and cut himself off from the ME/CFS (and many in the long-covid) community. No doubt they...
The article even uses language from the Recovery Norge website. It's pretty obvious.
Spot on. Patients are taught that the LP doesn't work unless you tell everyone you have recovered (even if you haven't). The whole article...
I've often thought that it would be helpful to document the abuse, gaslighting and denigration we've experienced from the medical profession....
When people learn that my ME was triggered by EBV, they'll often tell me about their experiences with EBV. Many did not recover within the...
On the covid longhaulers sub on reddit, the most common response is that they felt a bit worse (ie, more flu-ish) for a few days and had soreness...
I developed vertical ridges on my nails after getting ME.
[MEDIA] While I can understand the motivations of these doctors, their actions are morally and ethically questionable. Moreover, I believe that...
She's been threatening to block anyone who disagrees with her on twitter ever since she got involved with long-covid. I also recall her reminding...
Separate names with a comma.