Interesting. I have severe ME and my cognitive functioning has been badly affected (but not as badly as my physical functioning). I have issues,...
And in today’s episode of “No Shit, Sherlock”....
I have severe ME and had my first AZ vaccine about ten days ago now. For the first 48 hours I thought I’d got away with it as I felt pretty normal...
Was thinking this myself. Cartoons over people’s health, hmmm, it’s a tricky one to prioritise....
Another n=1 here - I take 10mg slow release melatonin, which is a big dose but smaller ones don’t work for me. I also have severe ME. Melatonin...
Hubby says that the Secret Lab Facebook page is really helpful with deciding what you might need, he found them very responsive when he was...
I haven’t, but I can give it a go and see what it’s like. I’ll also try and find the details of the particular one he has if that would be...
We don’t have a recliner one but I can certainly vouch for the quality of Secret Lab chairs. My husband has one and he’s in it all day (IT...
Really good to have other people’s experiences of this too, and glad,if that’s the right word, that I’m not alone! I’ve persuaded my daughter to...
“Start to unravel”’s like the last forty years of ME patients trying to get anyone to take any notice of them whatsoever have just...
Though I did think it was quite funny that this is literally the only activity/exercise goal I’ve ever met using the Garmin .
This is both interesting and slightly worrying. I got a Garmin Vivostyle watch/activity tracker for my birthday last year and it does all sorts of...
My horizons went from the whole world to the four walls of my bedroom.
George has done us proud. I hoped he would as I’m a long term fan of his writing and he’s a thorough and committed truth-seeker, but this is even...
I’m a member of a Facebook group which is second to none for benefits advice. It’s run by and for people with ME and other chronic illnesses and...
This is a thorough and outstanding piece of work, my immensely grateful thanks to everyone who spent their precious energy working on it, and also...
I actually spent a couple of hours reading Appendix G yesterday after very much enjoying Brian Hughes’ blog and I was really impressed, with my...
“What may happen is an infection, a very stressful life event, or an accumulation of persistent stress causes worry and disturbs sleep at night....
I was actually told by a psychiatrist, to my face and in front of my husband, that my needing to use a wheelchair to get around, being unable to...
Separate names with a comma.