I'm not against them cleaning up food and getting rid of the ultra-processed foods. It's estimated that 75% of disease is preventable and eating...
I had a cold that wouldn't go away and lasted for six months, however, I attribute my ME/CFS to the antibiotics that I was put on. Three days...
Ever since menopause I get the facial flushing and that is from just one drink.
I didn't have heat intolerance until menopause. Now it is my unwanted friend who won't go away.
If Sophia had a high BMI then it's not surprising that she had a fatty liver as being overweight is apparently an almost given that you will have...
The fastest growing health condition in North America today is "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". Apparently this is something new as in the...
I take Trazodone for sleep and I don't feel any better for it the next morning. I get a good night's sleep, however, the unrefreshed feeling is...
I had the same experience with six different ENTs and six CT scans. They never saw anything that concerned them on the CT scans even though they...
Is it possible that you have respiratory reflux (also known as Silent reflux)? It can cause hoarseness that comes and goes.
This to my way of thinking is a huge red flag. Anytime a protocol can cure or help with this many health conditions, I know I'm reading a load of...
I totally agree that "Unrest" would not be the film to recommend when advocating about ME/CFS. The whole time I watched the film it didn't sound...
For me it has always been exhaustion (fatigue). I don't have the desire to sleep through the day, but I wake up exhausted as if I had already had...
When I look at the list of side-effects, I wonder how many of us could even tolerate this drug if we had the chance to try it?
For myself, I've always felt that it was the antibiotics that I was put on for a very bad tooth infection that caused my ME. Second guess would be...
I have had the internal vibrations in my lower legs since having the first Moderna vaccine. After having the Pfizer vaccine the vibrations are...
I've gotten several migraine auras over the past two years since having the Pfizer covid vaccine. I don't think they are related to ME though. I...
According to my doctor (who isn't an antivaxxer) it was a lie we were told that the covid vaccines would protect other people from transmission of...
Thankfully, the gov't in British Columbia has seen sense and as of October 3, 2023 masks are once again mandatory in all hospitals, health care...
If it's Tim Spector you mean, I found him to be really fascinating. I've seen him in the past on an American show about the gut microbiome and...
My understanding is that everyone who participates in this research are given a glucose monitor so that they can monitor how different foods...
Separate names with a comma.