Forced 'resting' actually made my ME worse. That was the only time I've ever had a decline in my ME symptoms (other than from the covid vaccine).
Unfortunately the same thing happened again with the second shot.
Welcome back, Rosie! It's estimated that 10% of us have an adverse reaction, so you have a 90% chance of everything being okay and no complications.
The Spanish Flu never died out completely. My understanding is that there are still traces of the Spanish Flu in today's flu viruses.
My stamina is really bad since having the first vaccine back in mid-April. I've also noticed that I get much more muscle pain when I am doing...
This pandemic is far from over. I wish more people understood that.
I'm at almost 11 weeks since my first vaccination and I still have not fully recovered. The fatigue isn't as bad, but the weak and shaky arms and...
One of my nephews couldn't speak when he was young. He had the words in his head, but he couldn't get them out. I forget now what the diagnosis...
I wish they could make up their minds. We get such conflicting information that after a while a person doesn't know what to believe.
We are being told here in Canada that two AZ vaccinations offer less protection than having one Pfizer or Moderna vaccination.
I heard that Alberta was going to do a lottery. Here in BC we are doing really well with people getting the vaccines. Even the people who were...
I'm getting my second shot on July 1st even though I still haven't recovered from my first shot on April 15th.
My PEM has always been relatively mild these past 30 years. That all changed in April after having my first covid vaccine. It doesn't take much to...
I read that people doing this test are supposed to be well rested for two weeks before doing the test. Otherwise the second day's results won't...
I don't agree. I think that they should be vaccinated, and, the sooner, the better.
It makes sense to me to be vaccinating the teens as they are the ones more likely to be in contact with someone with covid.
Our vaccine supply has improved significantly over the past few weeks. Here in BC they are now vaccinating ages 12 and up. Also for those of us...
That is so true. American portions sizes can be ridiculously large. And, unfortunately, that trend has been spreading into Canada over time,...
Most people view "diets" for weight loss as something that is temporary which is why 95% of the time they don't work. To lose weight, and to keep...
Here in British Columbia, Canada, there is an 811 number that we can phone. They took down all of my info regarding side-effects and were going to...
Separate names with a comma.