Nah, those devices tend to go off without a reason (or the reason might be a certain posture like moving your arms above your head). A close...
You could have had high expectancies or low expectancies, if your experiences were good, you were be more likely to stick to it. Quelle surprise!...
ETA: TRP = Transient Receptor Potential ion channels TRPM3= Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 ion channels
Patients were eager to participate, but their expectations (of the benefits) were not satisfied:
Sci-Hub link
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Sorry, couldn't resist... What a mouse model of ME/CFS would look like: [ATTACH]
Sci-hub link to the accepted manuscript
This. I recently watched an online presentation about chronic/recurrent cystitis (and the association to vaginosis). These were my take-aways: -...
Sci-Hub link to accepted manuscript here.
Sci-hub link here
The subtitle reads: "I often feel like a 100-year-old trapped inside a young person’s body." Well, I feel the other way round. Which makes a lot...
For me, it does.
[my bolding] Just a mad thought: The graph in @hinterland 's link shows the concentration (amount) of oxygen in the cells. This is lower in cells...
Special offer, April 25th to 29th only, with 90-day result guarantee At Dante Labs we decided to celebrate DNA Day 2019, April 25th 2019, by...
These talks sound interesting: Carl Fratter “FBXL4 related mitochondrial disease is associated with pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency” (Oxford)....
Finally this is happening in Germany! Although the guidelines already restricted the use of fluorquinolones in minor infections (like sinusitis,...
My hope is that while the BPS-crew tries to load more and more cargo onto their ship, this will only help to sink it sooner.
sci-hub link
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