Hmmm again. Its not "life" getting on top of me, its ME illness rendering me too sick and disabled to live life. I find it generally unhelpful,...
In 2005 to 2007 NICE released a series of Guideline drafts, I cant remember how many, 3, I think. After each draft there was opportunity for... Patient representative to NICE 2007, Tanya Harrison. Her statement about the NICE process and her...
FOI to the DWP asking why the DWP part funded the PACE Trial. 2011.
That was such a fantastic debate, Excellent. My only concern is that MPs may be left thinking that ME sufferers need 'other treatments' than...
The Sussex CFS service is involved in this study, which is warmly welcomed by the unaccountable BPS supporting Sussex and kent cfs Society....
It gives the impression that Colin Barton is more interested in representing the medical advisors to his Kent and Sussex CFS\ME Society, Dr Esther...
The Susses cfs Society was long term connected with Barts. Not sure where they stand now, is there a 'cfs' clinic at Barts still?
The Sussex CFS/ME Societys medical advisor Alistair Millers views...
The Sussex Cfs society is affiliated to AFME, BACME, Esther Crawley, Alistair Miller (medical advisors), and previously to AYME. As EC and AM are...
The Sussex NHS CFS Service states that its for Mild and Moderate CFS/ME. So what happens to severe people? Disappeared from the NHS Service...
Could be that severe patients in those 2 counties end up avoiding doctors and leaving the Sussex cfs society. That Society also experimented...
The Sussex Cfs society is a registered charity, not merely called a Society. That Society does harm to ME patients nationwide, by collaborating...
Its a registered charity, with the same 3 trustees from early on. Not too familiar with charity law, but do the members not have voting rights?...
Yes, brain and neuro "plasticity' research should ring loud alarm bells. Patron Jenny Seagrove is also on record for stating, in a newspaper...
The previous story from the Sussex cfs society is that it was Professor Anthony Pinching of Barts who encouraged Colin Barton to start a patient...
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