Hidden in the replies, I really appreciated this tweet from MVE: [MEDIA]
I’m not here to defend the DualDur people, but is worth noting that basically everyone agrees that Lyme diagnostics are totally bunk, and that we...
To me it looks like this is an "upgraded" version of the dark field approach that tries to avoid the common pitfalls. Some quotes from their site:
Potentially of note, a new approach to microscopy-based diagnosis of Lyme: https://lymediagnostics.com/ I don't know anything beyond what is...
Dear god what can we do to stop these headlines (“chronic fatigue”), especially when they are attached to an otherwise well-informed article!?
Yeah, I too am very surprised to find myself sympathizing with Ross Douthat, of all people. a couple more excepts from the book have been...
I think the most interesting part here is a potentially novel physical finding in these microclots. I don't understand the science well enough but...
I don't understand the point of making blanket, absolute statements like "Physical activity is safe, even for people living with symptoms from...
Super gross to link CFS/FM to Hamas rockets, for more than one reason. Now OMF has tweeted this article…. Sigh [MEDIA]
Wow, frankly horrendous media coverage from what I can glean. So much space being given to the exact people who should now be rightly discredited...
Ah you're right, maybe I'm reading too much into @Hutan's notes that say "causes of their illness include"
Thank you so much @Hutan for providing these summaries. Some random comments: Frustrating that this is at odds with messaging from OMF and...
Hope it goes well! :thumbup:
Interestingly the patient’s perspective on these events is not reported in the article. The doctors were worried that the patient was using...
Perhaps related: https://neo.life/2021/10/the-promise-of-pills-that-do-nothing/ I can't quite believe that this is a real thing.
The way this is being handled — the “primarily on social media” line and the deletion of Facebook threads — I would describe as “shameful”....
I thought this part was interesting: [ATTACH] I don't really know how OMF works, but this seems to suggest that they have a lot of cash on...
I wonder if anything from this study will ever see the light of day. Interestingly, it is now showing as "recruiting" once again:...
Does OMF not publish annual reports? Many (most?) nonprofits usually release a nicely-formatted PDF each year with high level overviews of their...
Anyone have any update on this?
Separate names with a comma.