@hope123 Additionally, I partially identify with the "Maria" case study (on a disability pension, no partner or kids), although I am much younger...
The problem is that depression (or anxiety) are symptoms, not causes. The underlying causes are the lack of satisfaction of human needs, but few...
This is from a month ago, but a prospective study of wet markets in Wuhan in 2019 found no evidence of bats or pangolins being sold....
Actually, I was wrong, they have similar names, but TTP is apparently a different syndrome (despite having the same set of symptoms), and is...
Yes, that is what I'm suggesting.
This might be a disaster. Heparin sulphate does indeed bind to the spike protein, which I have previously mentioned, but I have proposed a similar...
It's a real shame. Deaths yesterday were double what they were a week ago, but still a complete denial that there is any issue!
Here is a study in India that found that vaccinated people can transmit the virus to other people. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-637724/v1
I don't understand why they only reported the "network relationships", without the results of the individual measures.
Life here has been mostly normal, besides mandatory check-ins at retail premises. Many people in Australia are yearning for the time before (ASAP)...
Thanks, I was curious about the selection of the last two IAG members.
If replicated and built upon, this could be a big deal, but this is not guaranteed. It is interesting that they claim the IgG sensitised nerves...
This study is doing the rounds as an "explanation" of why the viral vector vaccines have increased risk of the Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia...
That was the (currently most recent) Public Health England data. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.22.21257658v1 In prior research,...
So what? All SARS-2 is highly infectious. I think naming these variants is often used to deflect blame from authorities...
There are worrying trends of a "third wave" (or is that fourth) in the UK, with cases per day per million almost ten times higher in the UK...
No matter how many times they say this, it is simply not true. It is so frustrating that they keep insisting on this nonsense.
Which conveniently eliminates the possibility to collect long term followup comparisons.
The biggest problem with studies like this is the assumption that patterns of glycolysis or mitochondrial respiration in PBMCs is somehow...
Yes, the UK trial of household transmission of healthcare workers showed that although the risk was reduced, some healthcare workers who were...
Separate names with a comma.