phenylephrine as a nasal decongestant. Looks like your green toe pill needs the FDA. I agree with your analogy pointing out that a therapy really...
Is there a transcript or slideshow version? (I’m very interested to understand this topic better and I just can’t manage to listen to this)
Did they look at / adjust for when in any female patients’ menstrual cycle samples were taken? (ETA: this might be a dumb question. I’m only...
I have some Sony headphones, bought in 2016/17, which make a huge difference for me. I can’t compare them with anything else (apart from earplugs)...
Yes. Had the vanishing after a good summer of sand and saltwater thing, was gone for a longish time but all back. It’s just one more thing to get...
“ It must last six months in adults and three months in children.” Needs “at least” between ‘last’ and ‘six’. (I noticed the same problem on...
Wanted to know what the SSS contained (Symptom severity scale): “To quantitate PEM, we chose the Specific Symptom Severity questionnaire (SSS)...
If this means: ‘reduce wait times so people get medical help right when they need it’ then great:thumbsup:. If it means ‘sick people need to get...
I’ve spent a lot of time with this too. The need to adapt and to develop the new skills suitable for my current capacity is …well, for me and for...
That’s grim.:( Would be nice if people registering these names took a bit more time and thought. I just found this by accident. Can’t see if anyone else has posted it. Quick...
I’d happily take a CPET that brought on PEM. I think there are a lot of us who have triggered PEM many times for much smaller reasons than the...
NZ has a long history in shoestring research in other fields than medicine coming up with useful results. There’s a great deal that can be done...
I thought this when I first got sick. Wore a tomtom touch for 2-3yrs in hopes my doctor might want to look at the data. Nope. (Obviously, that...
Wondering how they’d do for gardening in a place where there is intermittent engine noise. Currently use noise cancelling headphones but it would...
Seems a bit garbled in conclusion? “As an exploratory endpoint, changes in plasma inflammatory protein markers were associated with reduced FSMC...
Telemedicine is a wee bit Star Trek …? this is kinda fun…to be reminded that stuff does come up ETA: rapid blood test machines and immunotherapy...
Figuring out that we were trying to cure cancers like prostate all wrong. And then getting it right. (Stop it metatstatising) blood tests for...
Malaria vaccine
Hi @Woozy, I hope our discussion of the big picture around tinnitus and symptoms hasn’t been too OT (off topic) for you. I notice you said that...
Separate names with a comma.