One solution is to require 'placebo effect treatments' to include a disclaimer such as: "Works just as well as snorting gummy bears! <or some...
Why should the same old sh*t work now? Answer: because it's got a new label!!! :rolleyes:
"We who make money selling physiotherapy services have a hammer. ME looks like a nice profitable nail."
My ME has responded to several species of longer-chained fatty acids. Palmitic made me feel worse unless I also consumed enough carnitine. CLAs...
An easier solution to this problem: just redefine psychology as 'not a valid science'. If they're not following the rules and procedures of...
My cognitively-induced PEM would occur 30 minutes to an hour or two after the trigger (chatting, driving in poor conditions), so I don't think...
It could be that some of these genes bias other functions in the body that makes it more likely for us to get stuck in this abnormal state. Thus...
21 subjects, with vague sets of factors (fatigue and diet), and they're trying to claim meaningful results? I expect if they redid this with...
I agree with your feelings about "thinking happy thoughts" is supposed to be such a great cure-all ... without reliable proof. Likewise about...
I think ME screws up neurological signalling, more or less at random, so having your satiation signals messed up seems plausible to me.
I see this as the sort of 'bit of knowledge' that might trigger a flash of insight in some other researcher. "Oh, that might explain why ...".
By 'it', I meant the connection between allergies and dietary fibre. If there was a significant correlation, I would have expected someone to...
Are there no ways to intentionally modulate this type of gene expression? Some drugs, cellular isolates, nutrients or whatever? I can imagine...
Interesting, but if it's correct, I wonder why it didn't show up in statistical analysis of allergies. Maybe there are so many factors...
Decide what figure supports your paper best, then search all available data for the best match?
I agree with Ravn about immune activation rather than the cause of that activation being the trigger for ME. Some people might be primed to enter...
My tinnitus started well before my ME. I didn't notice any drastic change in it when I did develop ME. I think there may be a link between...
It certainly does sound like a major boost to 'seeing' what's going on in brains. Even with its limitations, some 'before, during and after PEM'...
Yes, I wasn't under any elevated pressure when I developed ME. I'm sure plenty of people were also living a low-stress lifestyle when something...
An immune activating event somehow triggers some neurological changes, and some sort of feedback mechanism keeps the body locked into this...
Separate names with a comma.