Well, the group was founded with 100 members in 1989. By November 2002, the membership was said to have risen to 800. At that point, I don't know...
"Colin: Well it can hit anybody, definitely. It's likely to show up more with people who are particularly active and professional and such-like...
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-social-media-specialreport-idUSKBN1QU1EI Reuters MARCH 13, 2019 'Special Report: Online Activists...
Organisations registered as charities with the Charity Commission that are constituted as membership organisations are not obliged to include...
https://meagenda.wordpress.com/2009/06/13/rime-sussex-services-june-2009/ RiME: Sussex Services June 2009 (...) Link to Barts The CNCC for...
https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/5121105.patient-wait-for-me-clinic/ 21st November 2002 Patient wait for ME clinic (...) Colin [Barton, Sussex...
I very much doubt he did not consent to having his name listed as a patron.
Never been a big fan of petitions, however I have signed.
As these posts have been moved from another thread, the post I am referring to is no longer #471 but is now post #25 in this new thread.
NICE has not asked for this. See my post #471. It is Jenny Wilson who is asking for this. Editing to add: Now Post #25 in this thread.
[MEDIA] Hope this clarifies from whom this request originates.
She's a pal of Claire Fox. She's done a lot of moaning about mask wearing and "what have we unleashed, here?", about not being able to go...
Can't recall any others OTTOMH, but the children's org AYME (now absorbed into Action for ME) were close to BACME and were involved in the annual...
I've just spoken to the person who has been trying to establish how many members the Sussex and Kent Group has and she says she's been requesting...
https://measussex.org.uk/about-us/ "The Sussex & Kent ME/CFS Society is a constituted registered charity (1082681) that was founded in 1987...
How many members have they? Sussex and Kent ME/CFS Group is a regional group. I have a friend who lives in the Sussex and Kent group area who...
Moved from this thread:...
Does the RCPG produce training materials for GPs or commission the production of training materials?
Sonya Chowdury has advised that she has taken up the error around ICD-10 coding with the new Chair.
Why go live before all new content has been reviewed, fact checked and edited?
Separate names with a comma.