Some posts from the public page of ME Association on Facebook: (I have inserted para spacing for ease of...
The following bodies: Royal College of Physicians Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal College of General Practitioners published the dreadful...
Gerada has also been a very vocal opponent of the wearing of masks.
Image of print edition version up-thread here: #1137 Three screenshots of expanded online version here: [MEDIA]
Gerada is the RCGP's incoming President:
ME Association: Disputed...
There are three screenshots of the online article in this Twitter post: [MEDIA] you need to click through to Adam's post on Twitter then click...
Matthew Dalby clarifies: "It's just a comment on the Times newspaper article. The author of the comment was only implied." If that Times Comment...
It looks like it could be from the Comment section on The Times article, but I can't see the Comments.
Sharpe's Twitter account is: michael sharpe @profmsharpe That MichaelS account does not appear to be from a Twitter account. I've asked Matthew...
Indeed, it's ambiguous in the print version of the article whether Dr Jo was referring to the original NICE CG53 2007 version or to the updated...
I assume the embargo lifts 12.01 this evening?
No other reports yet picked up on Google News, other than this Times report last night, timed Tuesday August 17 2021, 12.01am.
"The Times understands that leading medical bodies are considering refusing to endorse the guidance. A spokeswoman for the Royal College of...
Today's Times: Print edition: Disputed therapies for ME abandoned Tuesday August 17, 2021 Sean O'Neill Doctors will be told this week to stop...
I've emailed them via the Contact page. I wonder who is drafting the textual content for the new website pages, and is no-one from the member...
! (...) "The WHO classifies ME as a neurological disease in section G93.3 of ICD10. Please note CFS and PVFS...
I've just had a look at the new Forward-ME website - the text is too small and the line measure far too long for ease of reading. Under...
Apparently: "The ForwardME group has been preparing a comprehensive public statement and a press statement on the NICE guideline for #MEcfs to...
Over 50s in England are supposed to be being offered a booster from September/October but it's currently unclear which vaccine will be used for...
Separate names with a comma.